Wednesday, February 13, 2013

F is for French Manicure

I spent forever trying to figure out what to do about today's manicure since I really wanted to try something other than just the name of the nail polish. I contemplated drawing fruit on my nails but really there's a reason I flunked art.

I apologize for the shoddy photos; my camera was super wonky and I ended up  using my iPhone for the last shot.  Anyway, the polish used was actually just three coats of Seche Base, with one coat of Diamonds in the Sky by my brand, BG Cosmetics, (that's allowed, right? ^_^) and a thin line of silver glitter dust.

I used circle tape and it was really thick and didn't evenly block out the holes, so I ultimately just had an approximate shape guide. Keeping that in mind, I wanted a thick polish for the tips because I didn't want it running down the tape. So I took a bottle of my blue and thickened it to where it was almost like a gel paste, and then dabbed it along the  line. I then took an angled brush, dipped it in some of my silver glitter dust, and ran it along the border of the colors.

I think my ring finger and pinkie turned out the best, but that's because they have the best natural shape to them. I have the hardest time filing the shape of my middle and index finger, so making the french tip turn out in that perfect shape is a freaking pain. Considering how long it's been since I've even attempted a french mani, I'm actually pretty pleased with the results. I just wish I had had a nude color to pair with the blue. The white base just showed up too stark in the photos.


  1. This is so eye-catching. That blue really stands out! Nice job!

  2. I wanted to do a french manicure me too but I was so uninspired. :(
    Love your mani, it's so delicate but with a touch of sparkle. :)

    1. Thank you! The silver glitter really made it happen for me with the manicure. It was just what it needed for me to feel like it was good instead of a fail.

  3. Very pretty girl! I didn't know that you have a brand! I looked at your BG Cosmetics tags and wow, I love the Walking Dead, because I love the series and green nail polish so when my paycheck is coming this month I'm going to buy some polishes from you :D

    1. Thank you! ^_^ Walking Dead is actually the first polish I ever made. I love the show. Although, I should say, I love Daryl. Haha

    2. Haha I know what you mean <3 , I actually met Norman Reedus and he's really such a nice (and handsome) guy! I have a picture on my blog :)

  4. Very nice - the white base really makes the blue just pop! I think I like this better than if you used a nude color.

    1. Thank you! I think maybe if I had done two coats of Seche instead of three, it would have been just right.

  5. The colors look fantastic together :D I love funky frenches! And the pictures are not bad ;)

    1. Thank you! I can never seem to do a traditional french. I always have to mix it up. Haha. I think I'm just more bummed about the photos because they're not true to life.

  6. Very pretty! I love blue and silver together.

  7. I love how you added the glitter! And I had no idea you were BG Cosmetics! I've been a fan of yours on facebook for a while

  8. I don't think the pictures are bad. I love how you added silver glitter, it goes nicely with blue!

    1. Thank you! I have always found that blue and silver go well together.

  9. I really like the colors! Great job! Though I do have to admit I was looking forward to seeing you paint "F" on every finger LOL

    1. LOL! I almost did! But after all the work I put into it I was like, naa I want to keep this on for more than a day. Hahaha

  10. It looks great! And your nails all look beautiful to me, you have such long nail beds!

  11. Ketlyn, there are certain nail techniques that completely freak me out, and this is one of them. Can never get the tip even, whether it's a curve or straight across. I'm so impressed with what you did here.

    And I love that blue. OMG.

    Love how that line of glitter perfects the whole look by blending the colors, seamlessly.

    I'm Pinterest-ing this, because A: It's the nicest French I've ever seen; and B: I need inspiration if I'm ever going to try this technique again.

    Great job!

    1. Oh yayy! ^_^ thank you! This blue is one of my personal favorites. Let me know if you decide to try; I'd love to see what you come up with!

  12. This is really pretty! I'm impressed!

    Oh, and that last picture is so pretty!

    1. Thank you! I thought it was kind of funny that my phone ended up taking the better photo. Haha.

  13. I think this turned out really cute! The blue is gorgeous!

  14. I love them!!!! I did a french mani too and I always find it hard. I either free hand, use scotch tape or the white guides but either way they never come out perfect. But I love the blue and silver glitter, it goes great together!!!


    1. Thank you! The silver really was the completing touch for me.

  15. Son of a bitch! I have a beast of a time filing my middle and index as well! I thought it was just me. Mine grow kind of diagonally so I have to twist my hand and finger around to line them up, and I don't always get it right. Lemme tell ya, there have many a hurled file due to those monstrosities!

    As for the nails? Beautiful! I must have that blue. Must. It will be mine. Oh yes, yes t will!

    1. Hahaha! I have hurled more files than I care to admit to. =D

  16. I'm in love with that blue! I love all blue apparently! LOL Gorgeous mani!

  17. I love the blue, it really stands out and makes it pop!

  18. I want that blue!! Soooo pretty!

  19. I have a hard time with French manis too. I usually end up freehanding them because I can never get my hole protector stickers to stick right. Your's turned out super cute, love the sparkle!

    1. I might free hand it next time. The tape made it more of a hassle than anything else. haha. And thank you! ^_^
