Saturday, March 23, 2013

Galaxy Nails Tutorial

I can hardly believe it! I just did nail art that was successful! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to post a tutorial on my galaxy nails!

From left to right, BG Cosmetics Methematician, BG Cosmetics Mushroom Madness, Milani's Quick Teal, Milani's Instant Pearl, and Revlon's Shiny Black. Basecoat is Seche Base, and Topcoat is by HK Girl. 
To start, I used Seche base for a ridge filling base coat to make sure my nails are a super smooth surface. I then added a generous coat of Revlon's shiny black. 

Look at how shiny that is! No top coat used. Perfect for a sparkly galaxy manicure!

Then, you need your sponge, and a white polish. I used Milani's Instant Pearl. I took some generous brush fulls and applied them directly onto the sponge, like so:

Then, pinch the tip of the sponge and dab it gently onto your nails.

A somewhat diagonal line down the nails is the most desired effect. Then, pick your blue. I used Milani's Quick Teal.

Here's a quick pic of what the teal looks like once applied on the sponge. Polishes differ, but with Milani, two generous brush-fulls of polish are enough to seal the deal.

For the teal, start from the opposite end of the nail, and kind of haphazardly dab diagonally up the nail again.

Now, take a purple-ish color. I went with a purple glitter, BG Cosmetics' Mushroom Madness, for a more bedazzled galaxy effect.

 Look at that glitter! Am I allowed to swoon over my own polish creation? Well I am.

Add just a couple splotchy dabs of the purple. Then, take up your white again, and get a very fine brush. I used an angled brush typically used to apply eyeliner.

What I love about this brush is that you don't have to draw a line, you just press down one way, and then another, to make a cross. Also, I should mention, that these brushes were MADE for clean up. Just dab them in some nail polish remover, and run along your ridges. Brilliant!

Finally, I added a thin coat of BG Cosmetics' Methematician to add that final blue and green glitter dazzle to complete the galaxy effect.

Voila! Now just add a topcoat; I use HK Girl Topcoat. It dries super fast and super shiny. Seche Vite is a good drug store alternative, if you can get past the fact that it gloops up after half a bottle.

Don't worry if it looks a little lumpy; my nails start to look wonky as they get longer.

They start to curve in for some odd reason. I'm going to have to see how I do on the filing. *sigh*

And that's it! What do you guys think? Have you tried galaxy nails yet? What color combos have you used?


  1. LOVE THIS. I can't wait to try it!

  2. My nails would do that when I still had squares, they still do a little with the stilettos but not as noticeable.

  3. Galaxy nails always intimidated me - you make it look so easy.
